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Clynton Loh is a Singaporean-Chinese classical pianist and cellist. He started playing piano at the age of five and this led him to discover his passion in music. Under the tutelage of Angela Lin, he attained his Licentiate in Piano Performance in 2018, awarded by Trinity College London, and is currently in his final year at LASALLE College of the Arts. Besides playing the piano, he was also a former cellist of the Singapore National Youth Chinese Orchestra from 2013-2017. He represented his secondary school’s Chinese Orchestra as a cellist in the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) and attained the Certificate of Distinction under the baton of Wilson Neo.­­­­­ He was also a pianist for his school’s drama elective module and obtained a best performance award from the school.


Clynton was involved in the Rising Stars Concert 2018, where he performed Beethoven’s Sonata Op.31 No 3 at the Esplanade Recital Studio, and also played the cello for the other chamber works and concerti performed in that concert. An accomplished cellist as well, Clynton was a member of the Singapore National Youth Chinese Orchestra (Snyco), where he was a cellist in the overseas concert tour to Taiwan, performing in various concerts such as Dauntless Spirit, Four Seasons, The Love for the Moon of SYCO, Musical Landscapes for All Seasons, and the Exuberance of Youth. Clynton has also performed with internationally renowned orchestras such as the Singapore Chinese Orchestra and the Singapore National Youth Orchestra.


An ardent admirer of J.S. Bach and the Well-tempered Clavier, Clynton’s research interest is performance research of the keyboard works of Bach, he is interested in the interpretation and voicing of keyboard pieces of Bach and his contemporaries and continuously sought to better his performances through historically accurate research.


Clynton has taught piano and cello at the Aureus Academy since 2020 to students ages five and up. He hopes to inspire students by showing them his experiences he acquired throughout the years of playing the piano and cello.


Students Testimonial

I would like to say Mr Clynton is a wonderful teacher. I have learnt a lot of songs on the cello from Mr Clynton!

By Noah A

Teacher Clynton is a very dedicated and patient cello teacher. He is also a fun-loving and humorous person. With him my cello playing has improved tremendously.

By Kai Keat C

Teacher Clynton has been teaching me for the past year. He is very patient and I feel very comfortable learning from him. As an adult student, my fingers are not as soft and flexible as a child, teacher Clynton teaches me some techniques to overcome it. Even my child is learning from him!



By Joleen Koh

He is a very loving and patient teacher with a gentle personality but serious teaching. He will arrange teaching methods according to the student's level. Every time I finish my learning I feel that I have made progress and have the confidence to continue learning. Anyway he is very inspiring and I admire him for being a very professional piano teacher.

By Agnes T

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